Hampshire Fungus Recording Group

Documenting the Fungi of Hampshire

Calveslease Copse

Sat 13 Dec 2008

Field event ID HF0830

OS Grid areas: SU3200

New Records:
New to Hampshire: Hyphoderma mutatum
New to HFRG: Lachnellula resinaria (last seen in Hants in 1910 by Massee), Leptosporomyces fuscostratus

Report: (Alan Lucas & Sue Rogerson) Five souls set off to brave the rain, namely Sue Rogerson, Alan Lucas, Sara Cadbury, Tina Facey and Chris Gaffney. It was not long before we were joined by Sue and Eric who were delayed due to having problems with their car and having to borrow their daughter’s car . Good thing they were a little late as they met Brian Gale and they all soon found the rest of us. Fungi were very sparse, even the resupinates were not easy to track down, but as always something turns up and Sara found Hyphoderma mutatum which has been confirmed by Kew as a new British record. According to the Basidiomycete Checklist this is not a British species but the records and specimens on the FRDBI from Richard Fortey were not examined by the authors due to lack of funding. Sara also found Leptosporomyces fuscostratus which will be new for the group. It is interesting how often when you look in the right habitat for a particular fungus you can find it. Particularly at this time of year, We did find two such fungi both of which were very tiny at 1mm or so in size were Cyphella ferruginea on Salix and Lachnellula resinaria on conifer.

We packed up around midday and set off to get to the bar and have a tipple to warm us up before sitting down to our Christmas lunch. As we got back to the cars Chris produced a water logged fungi looking a bit sorry for itself. It was taken away and turned out to be another new find for the group Sparassis laminosa a hardwood species and much rarer than its conifer look alike Sparassis crispa.

Just to rub it in Stuart – the meal was enjoyed by all. Thank you Alan for organizing it.

The total for a couple of hours foraying in the rain was not great in number but produced some interesting records.

Species list: Aleurodiscus botryosus, Athelia decipiens, Botryobasidium subcoronatum, Clitocybe nebularis, Crepidotus cesatii, Crepidotus variabilis, Cyphella ferruginea, Exidia glandulosa, Galerina marginata, Ganoderma australe, Gliophorus psittacinus, Hemimycena tortuosa, Heterobasidion annosum, Hygrophorus hypothejus, Hymenochaete corrugata, Hymenochaete rubiginosa, Hyphodontia arguta, Hypholoma fasciculare var. fasciculare, Hypoxylon fragiforme, Lachnellula resinaria, Leptosporomyces fuscostratus, Mensularia radiata, Mycena galericulata, Neobulgaria pura, Panellus stipticus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pluteus pouzarianus, Postia stiptica, Propolis farinosa, Sarcomyxa serotina, Schizopora paradoxa, Scleroderma citrinum, Skeletocutis amorpha, Sparassis spathulata, Stereum gausapatum, Stereum hirsutum, Stereum rugosum, Stereum sanguinolentum, Stereum subtomentosum, Tremella mesenterica