Hampshire Fungus Recording Group

Documenting the Fungi of Hampshire

Open Day IBM

Sat 25 Jun 2011

Field event ID HF1111

Weather: Dry but overcast after a couple of weeks of significant rain.

Report: The one thing that the the IBM Centenary foray was light on was local attendees. Other than the happy retiree leading the foray, IBM employees were hard to find, so with the “Introduction to Fungi“ presentation stowed back on the memory stick, the HFRG contingent set out to see what the rest were missing. The recent rains had certainly started to get hyphae moving and there were reasonable numbers of both fruiting bodies and species to be found. Along with early season favourites like Collybia (Gymnopus) fusipes (Spindle Toughshank), Psathyrella candolleana (Pale Brittlestem) and Ionotus (Pseudoinonotus) dryadeus (Oak Bracket), Paul found a late St. George's mushroom Calocybe Gambosum and Add spotted a lone Russula rosea (fka lepida) (Rosy Brittlegill) with its characteristic taste and smell. There were several finds of the beautiful Mycena acicula (Orange Bonnet), single specimens of Melanoleuca polioleuca (Common Cavalier)(as always), Lyophylum decastes (Clustered Domecap)and Lactarius subumbonatus and the start of a fairy ring of Marasmius oreades (Fairy Ring Champignon). The find of the day was probably Perenniporia fraxinea growing out of the roots of a newly-deceased Ash sapling. After collecting nearly 30 records, the group retired to the Club House from a well-deserved meal and beer. Oh, and for once, we didn't find any Xylaria hypoxylon!

Species list: Auricularia auricula-judae, Boletus chrysenteron, Calocera cornea, Calocybe gambosa, Coprinellus micaceus, Crepidotus cesatii, Dichomitus campestris, Ganoderma australe, Ganoderma resinaceum, Gymnopus dryophilus, Gymnopus fusipes, Hypholoma fasciculare var. fasciculare, Lacrymaria lacrymabunda, Lactarius subumbonatus, Lyophyllum decastes, Marasmius oreades, Marasmius rotula, Melanoleuca polioleuca, Mycena acicula, Perenniporia fraxinea, Psathyrella candolleana, Pseudoinonotus dryadeus, Russula rosea, Skeletocutis nivea, Stereum hirsutum, Tubaria furfuracea, Xerula pudens, Xylaria polymorpha